Maintenance of Donjeux
Peace of mind from a well-maintained barge
Maintenance Policy
The shareholders of Donjeux have agreed a maintenance policy that aims to maximise the value of the boat, ensure 100% availability for comfortable cruising during the cruising season and provide comfortable habitation out of season. This aim is being progressively achieved by prompt rectification of unplanned defects and appropriate planned maintenance action as well as a capital investment plan devised by the Engineer from regular feedback about the state of the boat’s systems.
Planned Maintenance
A schedule of annual planned maintenance exists to meet the aim of the maintenance policy. This schedule is in constant development as more is learnt about the reliability of systems from the end of holiday reports.
The schedule of work is done partly during the annual Make & Mend conducted by shareholder volunteers and independently by the local 3rd party support as appropriate.
Unplanned Maintenance
Unplanned maintenance is primarily done by the shareholder reporting the unplanned defect. If this is not possible it is done by local 3rd party technical support on the decision of the Engineer. A decision making process, understood by all shareholders, exists to ensure that this happens smoothly and cost effectively.
The ability of a shareholder to do unplanned maintenance is achieved by regular technical bulletins, remote telephone or internet support from the Engineer and the development of appropriate manuals and consumable spares and tools kept in the boat.
Local 3rd party support is provided by a suitably qualified and experienced boat engineer. This individual and the Engineer communicate regularly on technical matters to ensure that the aim of the maintenance policy is achieved. This includes his involvement in deciding capital investment, maintenance schedules and the onboard spares inventory.
The cost of local 3rd party support is strictly controlled by the standards of normal business practice.
Capital Investment
The need for capital investment is determined by the Engineer based on his own regular technical audit, feedback from the shareholders, the reliability experience of other former Ownerships barges and system improvements from the major system suppliers.
The capital investment plan is agreed by all shareholders at the AGM.